Monday, October 09, 2006

Apunba Lup in New Delhi

Like you all, I had also read about the camping of the 4 coordinators of the Apunba Lup in New Delhi. (Apunba Lup is the apex body of 32 civil societies’ organization and it’s spearheading the agitation for the repeal of the Armed Forces Special Powers’ Act 1958, which gives the power to shoot to kill any man or woman to a simple non-commissioned officer in the Indian Army. This Act is the direct descendent of the Act of the same name which was promulgated by the colonial British regime in Delhi with the aim to crush the movement by MK Gandhi, who asked the Britishers to leave India in a special sitting of the Congress party in 1938 in Bombay. The movement was known as the Quit India Movement, which ultimately brought independence to the Indian nation).

Today, they sent out a press statement. Surprisingly, most papers either ignored it totally or failed to cover the most significant portion of it.

To my mind, the most significant portion is when they made their intention known to all that they are trying to agitate for the cause of the ‘Nura Temsing-nabi’ together with the international community. Note the key words are ‘ the international community’. I’ve fond out that only paper reported this significant portion.

So, Apunba Lup is looking for a completely new vista for their future agitation.

Another interesting corollary is that all these developments clearly show that the ‘Nura Temsing-nabi’ is already becoming the Symbol, as I told you in yesterday’s post. Read this with news item that Hurriyet Conference ( of the Kashmiri’s movement for independence from India) leadership took all the trouble of coming to Jantar Mantar in New Delhi and meeting the ‘Nura Temsing-nabi’. What do you see? The Symbol in the making, isn’t it?

On other side, the political class of New Delhi is treading quite cautiously. They are trying to quietly to put the lid on the ‘Nura Temsing-nabi’ episode, without further attracting attention, international or otherwise.

Today’s papers carried the news of 3 nurses and 3 lady homeguards literally airlifted to Delhi. Apparently, these 5 ladies were the constant acquaintances of the ‘Nura Temsing-nabi’ when she had been kept arrested in a hospital room and inflicted forced nose feeding for the last 6 years.

Outwardly, they were flown in for further assisting the ‘Nura Temsing-nabi’ in another Delhi hospital. But quietly Delhi’s rulers are executing superb move to create a condition for airlifting the ‘Nura Temsing-nabi’ to Imphal, together with the 3 nurses and 2 lady homeguards when the time is ok. Because, the 5 ladies are State government employees and when they report back to duty in Imphal, they will force the ‘Nura Temsing-nabi’ to accompany them.

It will be interesting to see how the Apunba Lup make their counter-move.

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