Sunday, October 08, 2006

Nura Temsing-nabi

‘Nura Temsing-nabi’ is the honorary name, being touted for Irom Chanu Sharmila.

Are the Asians more prone of inventing such names? Like, “Mahatma’ for MK Gandhi and ‘The Great Helmsman’ for China’s Mao.

The emergence of this name is not even a week old. It is a matter of some days down the line when the name came to appear in the media. I even saw many people nodding approvingly after the reading the name in the papers.

I, all along, fancy myself to be a keen watcher of this society. But the emergence of this name escaped my notice when it first came into being. It was after some buzzes created by it that I came to notice it.

Are there some groups who are intentionally trying to create the name? Or, is it just the spontaneous appearance?

I don’t know.

And I want to keep this way. Because I want to continue to marvel at how some very significant things continue to happen under my own nose—me, not having an inkling of what’s brewing up. It totally humbles me.

That said, it may also be an attempt to put Sharmila on a pedestal. And, I don’t like such attempts.

In related matter, I told you in my last post that Sharmila was a quite a regular girl in that reading room crowd. Did she manage to notice the book, ‘Gandhi’s Truth’, by Erik Erikson, which was in that room? Erikson neatly brings the Mahatma down the pedestal and lucidly present to us the famous, MK Gandhi as he is. I mean, the real MK Gandhi as the consummate politician.

If I don’t like this exercise, then why should I keep talking about it at all? Because, I like the words forming the name. They are so elegant. Anyone knowing Manipuri will agree with me that they are elegant. If some one coined the words on purpose, even with an agenda, he/she has done a good job.

Roughly translated, it means ‘The Maiden who dares to challenge the Injustice’.

Besides, there is this important reason why I’m talking about this. To prove that I’m quite a keen watcher of this society, I’ll try to be the one who first put this down in black and white!

Here we go:


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