Saturday, June 02, 2007


I found out one interesting thing during my month-end download routine.

There is blanket blocking of BitTorrent at the ISP level. The block is so total that I could not download even their client. I had their client installed but had to uninstall it because I thought there were some bugs there. I unisntalled it and then tried to install a fresh one by downloading one. But the downloading would proceed smoothly upto 99% and then automatically restarted afresh from 1%. The downloaded could not be completed.

There are so many good stuffs out there as torrent files. There are really mindblowing country songs as torrent files--really good quality audio but not not very recent ones.

To my mind, there should be some arrangements whereby old songs could be downloaded freely.

And, any ISP should not consider it their duties to block any partricular site. Their duty is to provide the bandwidth.

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