Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Some coincidences?

Right now, broadband is working as I'm posting this.

But during the day, I could only log in for 5/6 minutes and then, the connection went down right away. I was totally pissed off.

I rang up the help desk. The telephone kept ringing but nobody picked it up. So, I kept dialing and may be, on the 11th try some guy picked it up.

It was so surprising that he was talking straight. He told me that their broadband service depended only on overhead OFC on the roadside upto Dimapur. So, the service is so bad beacuase on any day of the week, some disturbances are sure to make impact on the roadside overhead OFC on the mountainous highway from Imphal to Dimapur.

But, he told me that they are in the final stage in the negotiation with PowerGrid for leasing some bandwidth in their OFC.

Read this with my last post. Is this a simple coioncidence?

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