Sunday, June 17, 2007

Pork day!

Today is my pork day. I'm eating pork once in a 10-days period. In between, my diets include fish and chicken.

Six months ago, I had this recurrent mouth ulcers. They were very annoying.

I image-searched the key word 'mouth ulcers' on google. The images were actually vivid and I could immediately identitfy my type of mouth ulcer. There is also another type, which is symptomatic of herpes.

I again searched why such type of mouth ulcer occurs only some persons. I found three possible reasons but right now, I can remember 2 of them. One is anxiety and other is the deficiency of vitamin B12.

I again searched for the rich source of Vitamin B12. I found out that only red meats are the rich source of that vitamin.

So, I've been eating pork once in a 10-days period. And, this regiment actually prevents mouth ulcers, at least from me!

Now, I'm free from mouth ulcers. As I'm free of them for the last 6 months, I can definitely claim to have banished mouth ulcers from my person.

As I have found out, internet have a lot of actionable informations.

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