Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A military plane over bandh-afficted night sky

At around 6.30 in the evening I sighted a plane flying very low over the Southern horizon. With red and yellow lights, it was flying from the Southern to the Eastern horizon. I watched it heading straight towards the Eastern horizon. Then suddenly it took a detour and again headed towards the Southern horizon. When it was taking that detour, the whirl of its engine faded and then the flying object itself became flimsy over the night sky. It must be taking that detour away from the Imphal valley.

At around 8.30 at night, it again returned.

Tonight it was flying really low over the horizon.

Tonight it also occurred to me that the whirl of its engine somehow had the ring of a toy plane! That means it must be a UAV.

Then, it must be a military plane flying sorties over the night sky looking down towards the somber and bandh-afficted Manipur valley!

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