Sunday, January 07, 2007

What did I find today?

I was having my breakfast of nuts, papaya, passion fruit and green tea.

To peel the papaya, I just grabbed an old newspaper so that the peels did not clutter my table. I had no time for eating on a plate!

As I was half way through my portion of the papaya, I noticed that I was peeling the papaya right on top of a women’s column of the old newspaper. Looking down to the end of the article, I was startled to find that the writer was Irom Sharmila.

I quickly brushed off the peels and made it dry putting there in the sunshine and safely stored in my locker.

It was a 10 years old newspaper!

I think it needs to be told how I stumbled upon a ten years old newspaper. I’ll do it tomorrow. Right now I’m so in a hurry.

Today, I did not even get the time the quick reading of the article. Tomorrow I’ll decide whether to publish a translation of the article. Should I publish the article verbatim?

Besides, I’ll publish a scanned image of the whole page when I get some time to do that.

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